Jul 23, 2014


Although beautiful and financially successful for a moment, most porn stars do not start out that way nor do they end up that way.

Women who end up in the porn industry typically have a past of emotion (or physical) abandonment and have suffered from depression. The immediate attention they receive once they become involved in this industry creates a natural high-for the moment- but later leads to deeper depression.

19-year-old, Alyssa Funke, has a similar story; however, instead of the positive attention others received from their films and photographs, she was tormented. Ultimately, the tormenting combined with depression, led to her suicide.

At a young age, Alyssa moved in with her grandma due to money struggles and home life. Her mother was a drug dealer with a boyfriend, while her father had a record for stealing and trickery. Despite her circumstances and periodic depression, she went on to the University of Wisconsin and was a straight- A student.

After filming her first pornographic video, Alyssa’s high school classmates criticized and mocked her publicly via Twitter and Facebook.  Two weeks later, she killed herself.

Although others don’t share the same fate, they do become empty and emotionally dead. One peer shared her experience with filming porn:

“It seemed as if all the girls were depressed, including myself. We would shoot a scene and   immediately after we would go do something to where we wouldn’t have to think about what we had just done, whether it was getting so drunk we just black out, [or] some type of drug…” 

Pornography doesn’t only harm the porn stars; it significantly affects those who look at it. While it emotionally and physically drains those women involved, it drains brain activity and relationships of those accessing it. Protect your child and /or spouse from viewing explicit material.

Net Nanny is software that monitors, alerts, and blocks when crude material has been viewed or someone has attempted to access a blocked site.  Visit https://www.netnanny.com/

Mara Mahaffey Hooker

Marketing Manager