Family Watch International (FWI) released a new documentary entitled “The Porn Pandemic: The Devastating Effects on Children, Family, and Society” tries to explain the consequences of viewing...
Read full postABC-TV’s “Good Morning America” (GMA) conducted an experiment to find out whether children could get around two different parental controls software, Net Nanny and Qustodio. The results were...
Read full postIn a January 2017 episode of the long-running televised series The Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Mehmet Oz highlighted the dangers of designer drugs and what steps you can take to protect your family from...
Read full postAs a parent, thinking of your child viewing online pornography is uncomfortable and scary. The reality is though, it's not a matter of IF your child will view pornographic material, it's a matter of WHEN.
Read full postContent filters such as Net Nanny are a great way to keep kids safe from inappropriate content. Content filters can block pornography, illegal websites, and other inappropriate content found on the...
Read full postThe mountains of clinical data and visual evidence as millions continue their out-of-control porn use despite consequences of divorce, loss of employment, destroyed reputations, prison time, etc.,...
Read full postForty-three percent of Internet users look at pornography. The number of women who view pornography is also increasing. It seems a growing number of adults and teens believe that "just a little"...
Read full postKids use a lot of different websites and products that can sometimes be hard to keep up with. Many of these websites have good, useful things on them. However, these same websites can have unwanted...
Read full postOne of the challenges kids face today is Internet addiction. Children who once lived for activities with friends, reading books, or watching TV are finding themselves addicted to the Internet,...
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